ThurSDAY Evening Yoga
All levels/all welcome 6:00-7:00pm
Now hosted by Aditi Yoga Studio. Perfect class for those who want a balancing practice at the end of the day. We incorporate breath and movement to develop strength and length, resilience and clarity of mind. I listen to what you most need and we create what best serves you in the moment. Wonderful group of yogis. All are welcome.
Yoga for Men —Streaming live on ZOOM
please contact me for the link if you would like to join us
All levels/all welcome on Mondays 5:30-6:30pm
This class is a great way to practice yoga that is tailored to men’s bodies in a low key and supportive environment. We combine traditional yoga poses with extra focus on core, balance, and stretching hips, legs and shoulders. One of the differences between the male and female body is that men tend to have larger muscles and be stronger, but are overall less flexible. We work to balance this in order to prevent injury by decreasing muscle tension and increasing flexibility. Added emphasis on core strength and balance to avoid risk of falling.
Friday Morning Quiet Mind
now livestream on Zoom—please contact me for the link
All levels/all welcome 9:00--9:30am
Join us on Friday mornings to move into the weekend without internal clutter. Each class includes a variety of breath and meditation practices. Designed to quiet the mind, restore the nervous system, press the internal re-set. Studies show that consistent breath and meditation practices support emotional resilience, better sleep and creativity. No experience necessary.
Private Sessions-- bodywork +
What is it that would help you most right now? Hands on bodywork, emotional support, tailored movement coaching with practices to do at home? We work together to clarify your goals and choose the options that serve them. What we do depends on what creates the bridge between what is going on for you and desired resolution. These 90 minute sessions are in office, by appointment only. $180.00 per session includes phone, text, email support in between appointments.
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